This is a free resource for those seeking accommodation and accommodation providers
I hope this will help you find your accommodation on the Central Otago Rail Trail, Roxburgh Gorge trail, or Clutha Gold trail. If I can find a email and web it will be listed.
At last count there are 127 accommodation providers, and I am adding to the list regularly.
Just click on the web address, or cut and paste the email.
Cromwell now added
Don't forget to click below for my e bikes for your trip to Central Otago.
Strath Taieri Hotel 03-464 3288 25 Snow Avenue, Middlemarch Email: strathtaierihotel@xtra.co.nz
Annandale BnB 027 4543 624. 1 Snow Avenue, Middlemarch. email: info@annandalebnb.co.nz Web: https://www.annandalebnb.co.nz
Rose Cottage BnB 03-464 3755 47 Browns Road, Middlemarch
Middlemarch Holiday Park 03-464 3776 26 Mold St Middlemarch Email: info@middlemarchholidaypark.co.nz Web: http://www.middlemarchholidaypark.co.nz/camping/
The Farm BnB 027 472 2846 - 154 Farm Rd RD2. Email : contact@thefarmbnb.nz Web : http://www.thefarmbnb.nz/
The Lodge Middlemarch 027 2284 789 - 24 Conway St, Middlemarch. Email: hellcatk9@gmail.com Owners comment "en-suite rooms, disability friendly, ramps, rails, wet showers, etc"
If you can not find any accommodation try Waipiata Country hotel or Macraes Stanleys Hotel both will do transfers.
Hyde School 03-444 4037. 9125 Hyde-Middlemarch Road, Email: hydeschoolonthetrail@gmail.com Web: https://hydeschool.co.nz/
Hyde Lodge and Cottages 027 777 9828 -8965 State Highway 87 Email: info@hydelodge.nz Web: http://www.hydelodge.nz/
Otago Central Hotel Hyde 027 544 4800 Email: hydehotel2017@gmail.com Closed until 1st Dec 2020.
Stanleys Hotel is 25 kms from Hyde (they do transfers )
Stanleys Hotel 03 465 2400. - 1760 Macraes Road, (26 km from Hyde) Email: stanleys.hotel@xtra.co.nz Web: http://stanleys-hotel.edan.io/
Kokonga Lodge 03 444 9774 33 Kokonga-Waipiata Rd Email: info@kokongalodge.co.nz Web: https://www.kokongalodge.co.nz/
Waipiata Country Hotel 03 444 9470 - 29 Main Street Email: enquiries@waipiatahotel.co.nz Web: https://www.staywaipiata.co.nz/
Tussock Lodge 03 444 846 Email: enquiries@tussocklodgewaipiata.co.nz Web: https://www.staywaipiata.co.nz/
Peter's Farm Lodge 03 444 9811 - Tregonning Road Email: peter@otagorailtrail.co.nz Web:
Komako Peonies Cottage 0800 562 556 - 634 Waipiata-Naseby Rd Email grant.heather@xtra.co.nz Web: http://www.komako.net.nz/
Tregonnings Cottage 03 444 9811 - 113 Tregonning Road Email peter@otagorailtrail.co.nz Web: https://www.petersfarm.co.nz/
Behind the Bike Sheds 022 352 3147 - 32 Waipiata Domain Road Email: stay@behindthebikesheds.co.nz Web: https://www.behindthebikesheds.co.nz/
Waipiata Motel 021 482093 - 8 Komako Road Email: jenniferballe41@gmail.com Web: https://www.motelwaipiata.co.nz/
Old Post Office Backpackers 03 03 444 9588 or 022 345 5622 - 11 Pery Street Email: oldpobackpackers@gmail.com Web: http://www.oldpobackpackers.co.nz/
Ranfurly Hotel 03-444 9140 - 10 Charlemont Street Email: Ranfurly.Hotel@xtra.co.nz Web: https://www.ranfurlyhotel.co.nz/
Ranfurly Motels 03 444 9383 - 1 Davis Avenue Email: info@ranfurlymotels.co.nz Web: https://www.ranfurlymotels.co.nz/
Ranfurly Holiday Park & Motels 0800 726 387 - 8 Reade St Email: stay@ranfurlyholidaypark.co.nz Web: https://ranfurlyholidaypark.co.nz/
Trout 'n' Trail B&B 027 333 2672 - 35 Caulfeild street Email: bookings@troutntrailbnb.co.nz
Hawkdun Lodge 03-444 9750 - 1 Bute Street Email: info@hawkdunlodge.co.nz Web: https://www.hawkdunlodge.co.nz/
Maniototo Lodge Reopening in January 2021 - 022 186 3772 Cnr Alexander Street & Stuart Road Email: maniototolodge@gmail.com Web: http://www.maniototolodge.co.nz/
Naseby is 14 kms from Ranfurly
For transport and bike storage - Try
Sam Inder
Naseby Transfers & there and back discovery tours
Welcome Inn – Naseby
5106 Danseys Pass Road
Ph: 03 444 9884 – Mob: 0274 746 337
Naseby Holiday Cottages (7 cottages to chose from)+6421316923 66 Derwent Street, Email: destinationnaseby@gmail.com Web: https://www.destinationnaseby.nz/accommodation
The Old Doctor's Residence +6427 653 3627 58 Derwent Street, Email theolddoctorsresidence@gmail.com web: https://www.olddoctorsresidence.co.nz/
Naseby Lodge +64 800 627329 26 Derwent Street, Email: stay@nasebylodge.co.nz Web: http://www.nasebylodge.co.nz/
Leven St Cottage +64 27 515 8744 - 25 Leven Street,
Naseby Holiday Park +64 3 444 9904 - 8 Swimming Dam Road, Naseby, Email: bookings@NasebyHP.nz Web, https://nasebyhp.nz/
Royal Hotel 03-444 9990 1 Earne Street email: info@royalhotel.co.nz Web: https://www.royalhotel.co.nz/
Danseys Pass
Danseys Pass is 35 kms from Ranfurly or 16 km from Naseby
For transport and bike storage - Try
Sam Inder
Naseby Transfers & there and back discovery tours
Welcome Inn – Naseby
5106 Danseys Pass Road
​Ph: 03 444 9884 – Mob: 0274 746 337
Danseys Pass Coach Inn 03-444 9048 - 781 Danseys Pass Road Email: gm.danseyspasshotel@gmail.com Web: http://www.danseyspass.co.nz/
Danseys Pass Hotel (BnB) 03-444 9048 (above) gm.danseyspasshotel@gmail.com
Wedderburn Tavern 03 444 9548 / 027 2800 185 PO Box 1, Wedderburn Email: info@wedderburntavern.co.nz Web: https://wedderburntavern.co.nz/
Wedderburn Cottages +64 3 444 9194 - 7145 Wedderburn-Becks Road Email: enquiries@wedderburn.net.nz Web: https://www.wedderburncottages.co.nz/
Mt Ida Farmstay 03 444 9432 - 021 259 0164 Email: mt.ida@farmside.co.nz Web: https://www.otagorailtrail.co.nz/places/on-the-trail/wedderburn/accommodation/mt-ida-farmstay
Inverlair Lodge​ 03-444 5026 0275 766261 - 3422 Ida Valley-Omakau Road Email: info@inverlairlodge.co.nz Web: https://www.inverlairlodge.co.nz/
Crow's Nest Accommodation 021 366 012 Ida Valley-Omakau Road Email: crowsnestnz@gmail.com Web: www.crowsnestotago.co.nz
The Mill Bed and Breakfast 021 166 2944 Hayes Road, Oturehua. Email: themillbandb@gmail.com Web: https://www.otagocentralrailtrail.co.nz/plan/accommodation/show/the-mill-b-and-b/
Oturehua Railway Hotel 03 444 5856 021 982 966 or 021 982 933 3352 Ida Valley Omakau Road Email: oturehuatavern@xtra.co.nz Web: www.oturehuatavern.co.nz
Gilchrists Store & The Old Shop B&B 03 444 5808 A/H 03 444 5090 - 3353 Ida Valley email: shop@gilchriststore.co.nz Web: www.gilchriststore.co.nz
St Bathans
St Bathans is 25 km from the rail trail
Vulcan Hotel 03-447 3629 1670 Loop Road Web: https://www.otagorailtrail.co.nz/places/near-the-trail/st-bathans/food-drink/vulcan-hotel
St Bathans Jail & Constable's Cottage 027 226 3875 Email: info@stbathansnz.co.nz Web: https://www.stbathansnz.co.nz
Becks is 9 kms from Lauder
For accommodation White Horse Hotel will do transfers
White Horse Hotel 03-447 3685 4160 Becks-Lauder Road Email: info@beckshotel.co.nz Web: https://beckshotel.co.nz/
Lauder School B&B 03 447 3099 or 027 622 9674 3312 Lauder-Omakau Road askus@lauderschool.co.nz www.lauderschool.co.nz
Lauderburn House 027 283 8280 3375 Becks-Lauder Road lauderburnhouse@gmail.com https://www.lauderburnhouse.com/
Lauder Hotel 03 447 3706 3313 Lauder-Omakau Road info@lauderhotel.co.nz
Lauder Store Accommodation 03 447 3006 or 021 067 2488 3316 Lauder-Omakau Road info@lauderstore.co.nz www.lauderstore.co.nz
Big Sky Cottage - Lauder 021 583 124 14 Lauder-Matakanui Road enquiries@bigskycottage.co.nz www.bigskycottage.co.nz
Muddy Creek Cutting 03 447 3682 0211144168 Intl. +64 211144168 3275 State Highway 85 muddycreekcutting@icloud.com https://muddycreekcutting.co.nz/
Omakau Commercial Hotel 03-447 3715 1 Harvey Street omakaucommercial@xtra.co.nz https://omakauhotel.co.nz/
Omakau Bedpost 03-447 3271 3 Harvey Street info@omakaubedpost.co.nz https://omakaubedpost.co.nz/
Nicky's Place 021 929267 5 Harvey Street stay@nickysplace.co.nz www.nickysplace.co.nz
The Station Omakau 022 371 8516 11 Half Time Close thestationomakau@gmail.com
Hawksview +64 224750143 Wilson St
Tigerhill Lodge 027 536 0816 20 Alton St bookings@tigerhilllodge.com https://tigerhilllodge.com/
Less than 2 kms from Omakau
Pitches Store 64 3 447 3240 or +64 21 1900310 Swindon Street Email: stay@pitches-store.co.nz Web: https://www.pitches-store.co.nz/
Blacks Hotel 03 447 3826 Ida Valley-Omakau Road Email: info@blackshotel.co.nz Web: www.blackshotel.co.nz
Maranui Luxury Accommodation Rail Trail Lodge 0800 4627 6284 28 Swindon Street Email: railtraillodge@gmail.com Web: https://maranuiluxuryaccommodation.co.nz/room/rail-trail-lodge/
The Bakery Cottages 0274 473 632 35 Swindon Street Email: bakerycottages@gmail.com Web: https://www.bakerycottages.co.nz/
Ophir Thyme Accommodation +64 (0)3 447 3192 & +64 (0)22 021 8400 13 Swindon Street Email: russhins@gmail.com Web: https://ophirthymeaccommodation.co.nz/
Chatoo Creek
Chatto Creek Tavern +64 (0)3 447 3710 - State Highway 85, Chatto Creek Email. info@chattocreektavern.co.nz Web. https://chattocreektavern.co.nz/
Trailview Lodge Bed & Breakfast at Galloway 176 Galloway Road, Alexandra, 03 448 9444 - 027 413 7421 Email. shona@trailviewlodge.co.nz Web. http://www.trailviewlodge.co.nz/
Alexandra Heights Motel tel:03 448 6366 - 0800 862 539 125 Centennial Avenue Email. info@alexandraheights.co.nz Web https://www.alexandraheights.co.nz/
Alexandra Avenue Motel​ 0800758899 117 Centennial Avenue, Alexandra Email. avenue.motel@xtra.co.nz Web. https://www.avenue-motel.co.nz/
Alexandra Motor Lodge Phone: +64 3 448 7580 - 0800 929 555 - 85 Centennial Avenue Alexandra Email. alexmotorlodge@xtra.co.nz Web. https://www.alexandramotorlodge.co.nz/
Almond Court Motel 03-448 7667 - 53 Killarney Street, Alexandra Email info@almondcourtmotel.co.nz Web. https://almondcourtmotel.co.nz/
ASURE Avenue Motel Alexandra +64 3 448 6919 - 0800758899 - 117 Centennial Avenue, e mail, avenue.motel@xtra.co.nz Web, https://www.avenue-motel.co.nz/
Alexandra Holiday Park +64 3 448 8297 - 44 Manuherikia Rd Email. info@ahp.nz Web. http://ahp.nz/
Alexandra Tourist Park 03-448 8861 - 31 Ngapara Street, Alexandra Email alex.touristpark@xtra.co.nz Web https://www.alexandratouristpark.co.nz/
Centennial Court Hotel 03-448 6482 - 0800 802 909 - 96 Centennial Avenue, Web https://www.centennialcourt.co.nz
Marj's Place 03-448 7098 - 5 Theyers Street, Alexandra
Alexandra Garden Court Motel 03-448 8295 0800 736 116 - 51 Manuherikia Road, Email. alex.gardencourt@xtra.co.nz Web alexgardencourtmotel.co.nz
Alexandra's AL Park View Motel 03-448 7400 0800 448 740 - 12 Bantry Street, Alexandra Email. alparkview@callplus.net.nz Web. http://www.alparkviewmotel.co.nz/
Criterion Club Hotel 03 448 7667 / 0800 256 663 - 13 Tarbert Street, Alexandra Email. middle.pub@xtra.co.nz
Quiet Hill Grove Casual Luxe 0508 053 286 17A Aronui Road, Alexandra, Web, https://www.vrbo.com/20033476ha?adultsCount=2&noDates=true&unitId=4474693
Grey Ridge Vineyard 022 370 3159 - 236 Letts Gully Road, RD3 E mail vineyard@greyridge.co.nz Web http://greyridge.co.nz/index.php
Hawkdun Rise Vineyard Accommodation 027 410 4818 or 03 448 7782 - 241 Letts Gully Rd, email, hawkdunrise@xtra.co.nz Web, https://vineyardstay.co.nz/
Legacy Vineyard 0210 256 5827 - 113 Earnscleugh Road, email, legacy4wine@gmail.com Web, http://www.legacyvineyard.co.nz/
Shaky Bridge Boutique Guest House 027 245 9788 - 51 Graveyard Gully Road, Little Valley email, stay@shakybridge.nz Web, https://www.shakybridge.nz/
Alexandra Views 03-448 9300 - 7 Hawkdun Place,
Between Alexandra and Clyde
NZLX Airport Motels 027 434 8184 - Airport Road, Alexandra Email nzlxmotels@gmail.com Web. http://nzlxmotels.co.nz/
Mirabell Chalets 027 308 9873 or +64 3 448 7571 - 13 Airport Rd, E mail, andy.family@xtra.co.nz Web, https://www.mirabell.co.nz/
Lavender Drive Bed & Breakfast 03 449 3080 or 02102202185 - 37C Young Lane, RD1, email, bandb@lavenderdrive.co.nz Web, https://www.otagorailtrail.co.nz/places/on-the-trail/clyde/accommodation/lavender-drive-bed-breakfast
Weaver Estate Wines 03-448 6335 - 381 Alexandra - Clyde Rd, email wine@weaverwines.co.nz
Last Chance Lodge 03-449 3223 - 319 Earnscleugh Road, Web,
Judge Rock Exclusive Vineyard Cottage Accommodation 03 4485059 or 0274 279108 - 36 Hillview Road, email, wines@judgerock.co.nz Web, http://judgerock.co.nz/#wrapper
Como Villa Estate 03 449 2265 027 435 2931 or, 022 165 7178 - 266 Earnscleugh Road, Alexandra email, Info@comovilla.co.nz Web, https://www.comovilla.co.nz/
Rockview B and B 0274 240 701 - 138Airport Rd Rd1
Olivers Central Otago Lodge & Stables +64 3 449 2600, +64 21 220 9560 - 34 Sunderland Street, Clyde, Email, enquiries@oliverscentralotago.co.nz Web, https://www.oliverscentralotago.co.nz/
DUNSTAN HOUSE - CLYDE +64 3 449 2295 - 29 Sunderland Street Clyde, email, info@dunstanhouse.co.nz Web, https://dunstanhouse.co.nz/
The Workshops Accommodation Clyde 027 200 2776, - 7E Blyth Street, Clyde, email, info@theworkshopsclyde.co.nz Web, https://www.theworkshopsclyde.co.nz/ booking@cbdaccom.nz Web,
Argyll on Clyde +64 (0) 3 449 3268 or +64 (0) 27 4318241 - 1 Annan Street, Clyde, email, argyllonclyde@yahoo.co.nz Web, http://www.argyllonclyde.co.nz/
The Lord Clyde 03-976 7909 - 35 Sunderland Street, Clyde, email, enquiries@thelordclyde.co.nz Web, https://www.thelordclyde.co.nz/
HARTLEY ARMS ACCOMMODATION, +64 3 449 2700 027 634 3864, - 25 Sunderland Street, Clyde, email, info@hartleyarms.co.nz Web, https://www.hartleyarms.co.nz/
CBD Accommodation +64 (0) 21 1022 182 or +64 (0) 3 449 3183, - 8E Naylor St, Clyde, email booking@cbdaccom.nz Web https://cbdaccom.nz/
Antique Lodge Motel Phone +64 3 4492709 | Mobile 020 401 69992 | NZ FREE Phone 0800 99 22 66 - 56 Sunderland Street, email stay@antiquelodgemotel.co.nz Web https://www.antiquelodgemotel.co.nz/
Clyde Apartments, 03-449 2845 - 116 Sunderland Street,
Hartley Homestead +64 21 02282449 - 23 Pyke Street, Clyde, email, info@hartleyhomestead.co.nz Web, https://hartleyhomestead.co.nz/
Central Gateway Motel 0800 267 268 (NZ) 67 Inniscort Street, Cromwell email info@centralgateway.co.nz Web https://www.centralgateway.co.nz/
Central Park Apartments & Motel +64 3 445 3510 Freephone (NZ only): 0800-351000 - 2 Monaco Drive
CROMWELL email info@centralparkapartments.co.nz Web, http://www.centralparkapartments.co.nz/Firewood Creek House 021 209 1705 - 10 Roberts Drive, Cromwell Web http://firewood-house.edan.io/
Carrick Lodge 0800 445 495 or Ph: 00 64 3 445 4519 - 10 Barry avenue Cromwell Email: info@carricklodge.co.nz Web https://www.carricklodge.co.nz/
Central Gold Motel 03-445 4700 - 24 Barry Avenue, Cromwell Email: info@centralgoldmotel.co.nz Web https://www.centralgoldmotel.co.nz/
Falcon's Nest 03) 445 4070 or 0272 438 655 - 16 Silverstone Drive, email info@falconsnest.co.nz Web https://www.falconsnest.co.nz/
Colonial Manor Motel 0800 428 648 or 03 445 0184 - 14 Barry Avenue, Cromwell email info@colonialmanor.co.nz Web https://www.colonialmanor.co.nz/ Owners Comments " Large spacious units nestled in park-like gardens to relax in after a fun day in the saddle! "
CROMWELL MOTEL +64 (0) 3 445 0373 - 6-14 Gair Avenue, info@cromwellmotel.co.nz Web http://www.cromwellmotel.co.nz/
LAKE DUNSTAN MOTEL 0800 666 919 or +64 3 445 1696 - 3 Mead Avenue, Cromwell email info@lakedunstanmotel.co.nz Web https://lakedunstanmotel.co.nz/
Lake Resort, Cromwell +64 3 445 3417 or 0800 36 88 88 - 15-23 Perriam Place Pisa Moorings Cromwell email res@heritagehotels.co.nz Web https://www.heritagehotels.co.nz/lake-resort-cromwell
Vines on Bannockburn +64 27 6222 907 - 81 Bannockburn Road Cromwell, Web https://www.vinesonbannockburn.co.nz/
Cromwell Holiday Park 0800 107275 or +64 (3) 445 0164 - 1 Alpha Street, Cromwell Web https://www.cromwellholidaypark.co.nz/cromwell-top-10-holiday-park/home_idl=10004_idt=5744_id=32148_.html
Roxburgh Motels 03-446 8093 - 1 Liddle Street, email info@roxburghmotels.co.nz Web, https://roxburghmotels.co.nz/
Commercial Hotel Roxburgh 03-446 8160 - 106 Scotland Street
Lake Roxburgh Lodge +64 (0) 3 446 8220 - 20A Tamblyn Drive, Lake Roxburgh email stay@lakeroxburghlodge.co.nz Web https://www.lakeroxburghlodge.co.nz/
Clutha Gold Cottages +64 3 446 8364 027 203 7061 - cluthagoldcottages@xtra.co.nz Web, https://www.cluthagoldcottages.co.nz/
If you can't find accommodation try Melrose cottages for a transfer 4.5 kms
Millers Flat Holiday Park 03-446 6877 - 1670 Teviot Road, email stay@millersflat.co.nz Web, http://millersflat.co.nz/
Millers Flat Tavern 03-446 6025 - 5592 SH8, Ettrick-Raes Junction Road, email admin@millersflattavern.co.nz Web https://millersflattavern.co.nz/
The Quince 03 446 6889, Mob: 027 475 6889 - 1581 Teviot Road thequince@thequince.co.nz Web https://www.thequince.co.nz/
Melrose cottages 022 075 0799 - 5200 Ettrick-Raes Junction Road, Ettrick
If no accommodation in Beaumont try Raes junction hotel for a transfer, see below
Mata-Au Lodge 027 485 9247 - 39 Rongahere Road, email stay@beaumontaccommodation.com Web, https://www.beaumontaccommodation.com/
Beaumont Hotel & Holiday Park 03-485 9431 - 1897 State Highway 8 Web, https://www.beaumonthotel.co.nz/
Raes Junction Hotel 03-446 6035 - 2485 Beaumont Highway
The Prospector Phone: 03 4859 595, Mobile: 027 4859 595 - 12 Ross Place Email: theprospector.lawrence@xtra.co.nz Web; https://www.lawrence.nz/the-prospector
Jafa's Motels 03-485 9005 - 4 Lancaster St Email: info@jafaslawrence.co.nz Web : www.jafaslawrence.co.nz
Lawrence Motels 03 485 9987 - 1 Beaumont Highway email info@lawrencemotels.co.nz Web, http://lawrencemotels.co.nz/index.html
Lady of Lawrence 03 9764112 - 20 Peel Street email info@ladyoflawrence.co.nz web, http://www.ladyoflawrence.co.nz/
Oban Guest House 03 485 9127 027 485 9247 - 1 Oban Street email info@absolutelylawrence.nz Web https://www.absolutelylawrence.nz/oban-guesthouse.html
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